Saturday, March 27, 2010

March 27, 2010


  1. Title: Draw me close to you

    "Psalms 69: 13-18 AMP But as for me, my prayer is to You, O Lord. At an acceptable and opportune time, O God, in the multitude of Your mercy and the abundance of Your loving-kindness hear me, and in the truth and faithfulness of Your salvation answer me. Psalms 69:14-18 (AMP)
    14 Rescue me out of the mire, and let me not sink; let me be delivered from those who hate me and from out of the deep waters.
    15 Let not the floodwaters overflow and overwhelm me, neither let the deep swallow me up nor the [dug] pit [with water perhaps in the bottom] close its mouth over me.
    16 Hear and answer me, O Lord, for Your loving-kindness is sweet and comforting; according to Your plenteous tender mercy and steadfast love turn to me.
    17 Hide not Your face from Your servant, for I am in distress; O answer me speedily!
    18 Draw close to me and redeem me; ransom and set me free because of my enemies [lest they glory in my prolonged distress]! "

    1. David humbly asks to be rescued at the opportune time. 2. He asks to be heard and rescued 3. He spends time explaining the perils, but also meditating on God's characteristics 4. He asks God not to hide his face and draw near.

    I need to spend some quality time with God thanking him for my rescue from the mire, and for revealing himself to me.

    Lord this Psalm reminds me of how I felt the last 4 months during dark winter. I felt in the pit, I felt like you hid your face from me. I would have a good quiet time, but within minutes afterward I felt down again. Lord, I praise you for miraculously bringing me out. I praise you for drawing very, very near to me. I could not have continued in this situation, without you showing yourself to me moment by moment throughout this period. I think you for showing me what my next steps are, and protecting me from making really bad choices. My circumstances are no different now (except sunlight), but I am still alone, most of the time. But I do not feel alone. You are my constant companion. I praise you from the mountain tops.

  2. Rick said...
    Title: Making Unwise Covenants

    Scripture: Judges 2:2 "For your part, you were not to make any covenants with the people living in this land; instead, you were to destroy their altars. But you disobeyed my command. Why did you do this? So now I declare that I will no longer drive out the people living in your land. They will be thorns in your sides,[a] and their gods will be a constant temptation to you.”

    Observe: God had given the Israelites specific commands to destroy the altars of the people from foreign lands. Because they didn't, God wouldn't drive out people who lived in their land and also their gods of these foreign people would be a temptation to the Israelites.

    Apply: When I have the ability to rid out sin in my life or to be obedient to God, I must act NOW. Is my obedience to God a condition for God to fight for me? It was for the Israelites. I must not make agreements with Sin or our adversary.

    Prayer: Jesus, help me to be obedient first time like you were. I pray for your help in destroying idols in my life. I want your protection, your fighting for me and this comes through obedience. Help me to not make agreements with sin.

    I look to your perfection and obedience and want to be like you. We live in a land of idols, we are idol factories. I want them out of my life and my families life. IJN, Amen

  3. Title: God Gives the Gifts
    Mentor: Paul

    Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:11 "All of the gifts are produced by one and the same Spirit. He gives them to each person just as he decides."

    Observe: God is the one that gives gifts to people.

    Apply: Be thankful for the gifts I have and not compare myself with others.

    Prayer: Dear God, help me not to compare with others, because you are the one who gives the gifts.
