Title: Pass it On to Next Generation Divine Mentor: Asaph
S: Psalm 78:7 "So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands" .
O: Asaph was emphasizing the importance of passing on your faith, reliance, trust, and hope in God to the next generation. Part of this is by not forgetting God's miracles and the other is by obeying His commands.
A: What are some miracles / answers to prayer can we can be discussing with our children? How can we be encouraging more obedience to Jesus in our house without coming across as legalistic?
P: Jesus, would you help our children to set their hope anew on you. Help us to speak to our children of how you have answered prayer and provided for us in the past. Help us to teach obedience to our children that brings freedom to their lives. IJN, Amen.
Title: Big Energizer Bunny Comfort Divine Mentor: Paul
Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:16 "Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope."
Observe: Jesus himself and God the Father will give us a peace that will last forever, even better than how long an energizer bunny lasts.
Apply / Prayer: Jesus help me to always know your peace is with me and will last forever.
Title: Pass it On to Next Generation
ReplyDeleteDivine Mentor: Asaph
S: Psalm 78:7 "So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands" .
O: Asaph was emphasizing the importance of passing on your faith, reliance, trust, and hope in God to the next generation. Part of this is by not forgetting God's miracles and the other is by obeying His commands.
A: What are some miracles / answers to prayer can we can be discussing with our children? How can we be encouraging more obedience to Jesus in our house without coming across as legalistic?
P: Jesus, would you help our children to set their hope anew on you. Help us to speak to our children of how you have answered prayer and provided for us in the past. Help us to teach obedience to our children that brings freedom to their lives. IJN, Amen.
Title: Big Energizer Bunny Comfort
ReplyDeleteDivine Mentor: Paul
Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:16 "Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope."
Observe: Jesus himself and God the Father will give us a peace that will last forever, even better than how long an energizer bunny lasts.
Apply / Prayer: Jesus help me to always know your peace is with me and will last forever.