Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 12, 2010


  1. Title: "My Sin is Dead"
    Mentor: Paul

    Scripture: Galatians 2:20 "I was put to death on the cross with Christ and I do not live anymore, it is Christ who lives in me". New Living Translation

    Observe: My sin has been put to death and Christ is in me.

    Apply: When I am disobedient to God I need to understand that I'm forgiven.

    Prayer: Dear God, help me to understand I'm forgiven. Amen

  2. Title: Daily Delight
    Topic: Praise
    Divine Mentor: David

    Scripture: Ps. 145:2
    "Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever."

    Observation: Every day means every day. Not once a week or twice a week or only on days I remember or are good but EVERY DAY. Whether the sun is shining or the rain is falling; whether my circumstances bring laughter or tears. Every day is a day to choose praise and if you line up your "every days" "forever" happens.

    Application: Today I choose to praise Him in the ordinariness of my day. In wiping the table, in sweeping the floor, in changing the laundry and in cleaning the bottom of a preschooler. I will praise the name of the Lord Most High.

    Prayer: Lord, prick my heart with reminders of praise. Let me see your common grace abundant in my life today. Help me not to focus on routine and weariness but to see it as an invitation to praise You and invite You to a deeper place in me. You are worthy of all my worship and all my praise.

  3. Title: "Cursed for Us"
    Mentor Moses and Paul

    Scripture: Galatians 3:13 But Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing. For it is written in the Scriptures, “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.”

    Observe: In Deuteronomy and Galatians the above verse is stated. If you are under the law and do not completely obey them, you are cursed! Jesus, even though he perfectly obeyed the law took our curse for us.

    Apply: Wikipedia defines curse as, "harm or hurt will be inflicted by a supernatural power" I need to fully understand that under the law I would be disobedient and be harmed or hurt. Under faith in Jesus I am protected and safe, not hurt or harmed. May I live with that understanding.

    Prayer: Jesus, you took the curse upon yourself for our disobedience. Help me to understand this more fully. I pray the words but I don't understand, I don't appreciate your sacrifice like I should. In Jesus name, Amen

  4. Title: Holding my Hand
    Mentor: Moses

    S: Deut 20:4 "For the Lord you God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory"

    O: Moses says that God fights for you when you are at battle with evil. He is holding your hand right alongside you. He has your back. God is fighting for YOU. He is fighting for YOU. YOU YOU

    A: What an awesome vision... God fighting for ME. Holding my hand and standing alongside me in battle with the enemy. I need to look upward, pray, believe, and trust that God will walk alongside me, strengthening me no matter what evil I encounter. Grip his hand firmly Karen.

    P: Father God, squeeze my hand throughout the day help me to remember that you are there.

    Hand in hand walking ---

  5. Cael said...
    Title: Through Life's toughest challenges
    Mentor: Moses

    S: Deut 20:4 "For the Lord you God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory"

    O: God will help you get through life's toughest challenges

    A: I will always know that God is with me. He is with me all the time through life's toughest challenges.

    P: God, be with me in all of life's toughest challenges like you said in the bible.
