Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16, 2010


  1. Title: The Lord Loves Justice
    Mentor: David and John the Baptist

    S: Psalm 11:7 For the righteous Lord loves justice. The virtuous will see his face.
    Matthew 3:10 Even now the ax of God's judgment is poised, ready to sever the roots of the trees. Yes, every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire.

    O: Yesterday's SOAP note was on trusting in God through knowing his name. Today I can't escape God's justice. In Psalm 11, David says that the Lord is righteous and He loves justice. There is a moral standard and God loves to judge by it. Also in Matthew 3, John the baptist said that God's judgment is poised, like it is an ax with arm cocked back and ready to cut down trees that don't produce good fruit. Interesting in that the word good is mentioned, we all produce fruit, either good or bad. In Psalm 11 it also said that God watches everyone closely.

    A: I need to have a healthy fear of God, yes I am hidden in Christ and live by faith. However I need to know that God loves justice, so much that he took the only one without sin and this paid our penalty for sin. Our faith in Christ should be producing good fruit of some kind. What fruit am I producing? In my walk with God? Second in my relationship with my wife? Third, in my children?

    P: Thank you God that we can know your name. May I have a healthy fear of your justice. You love justice! I am glad that you do, and even more glad that you have sent your son to pay our death penalty. Thank you for answering my prayer in getting to know your name better today. May I be connected to you so closely that I can produce good fruit for your glory.

  2. Title: To Conquer or Cower
    Mentor: David

    S: When the Israelites saw the man, they all ran from him in great fear...As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him. (1 Sam. 17:24, 48)

    O: The Israelites retreated in fear. David pursued in courage. The only difference was their view of God. The Israelites fear came through believing in what they were seeing (Goliath) vs. what was unseen (faith in God)...God was small. David's courage, however, came through what was unseen (faith in God) vs. what he was seeing(Goliath)...God was huge.

    A: Where does my default view of God land when my daily obstacles and battles present themselves? Do I default to what is seen (the difficulty of the obstacle)or have faith in the unseen and trust in a big God who has the power to save and has rescued me repeatedly in the past? I still, unfortunately, turn to my own sword and spear, my own resources, way more than I want to admit.

    P: Lord, I see so much of the Israelites still within me. When my daily trials and troubles come, whether great or small, help me to 'stop' and remember that you 'have my back' and race quickly toward the battle to meet whatever obstacle face-to-face knowing that you are fighting through me to conquer my enemies.
